The most vibrant of all seasons, Autumn here on the South Coast is tough to beat. Trust me, I've tried. In the same way onlookers begin oohing and ahhing as a fireworks display kicks off, so too are people already noticing a change in our surroundings.
Having grown up in this area and then living abroad for most of my adult life, there's one thing I missed more than anything, an itch I could never scratch anywhere else … Autumn.
Being back on Niagara's South Coast after all these years has been an experience beyond expectation, reconnecting with my place of birth and the lovely community that helped shape who I am today. But to be here at this time of year, in Autumn, is indescribable.
The most vibrant of all seasons, Autumn here on the South Coast is tough to beat. Trust me, I've tried. In the same way onlookers begin oohing and ahhing as a fireworks display kicks off, so too are people already noticing a change in our surroundings. Eager with anticipation, the inevitable grand finale lies in wait, ready to erupt in an explosion of intense colour.
But let's not get too ahead of ourselves here. The season has only just begun. There's still plenty to enjoy before this year's kaleidoscopic burst of leaves cover the ground in a crunchy blanket of colour.
Our trails are much quieter these days and are a great spot to see deer, fox, hare, and many more of our local furry friends while they enjoy this magical time of year. Watermelons are replaced with local gourds and squash, while corn mazes and pumpkin patches catch children's eyes through school bus windows. Squirrels race about preparing their winter stores, while cafe and restaurant staff enjoy a slower pace where they can spend a little extra time getting to know those they're feeding.
We have plenty of space for you to lay your head, endless places to fill your belly, and a long list of things to do.
Ah yes! Autumn on Niagara's South Coast is magnificent. It may come across as biased, but our region is difficult to rival at this time of year. It's here, in Fort Erie, Pelham, Port Colborne, Wainfleet and everywhere in between, where Autumn became my favourite season. In fact, I've yet to visit a place that compares. And so, as a newly returned local experiencing my home again with fresh eyes, not only is this a recommendation to visit us but also an invitation. Join us here on Niagara's South Coast and see for yourself why Autumn is a crowd favourite for so many of us.
Stay tuned and follow us on social media for updates on when the next part of this series will be released. And visit us soon! You'll be glad you did.
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