Stroll through P.I. Hall and Canby Shed as costumed demonstrators perform the duties of our forefathers. See the wagons outside the Pietz barn on your way to a service at the recently restored Methodist Church, or stop by the one room brick schoolhouse to watch a class in session.
Nearing Dean’s steam driven sawmill, you will smell fresh sawdust as direct descendants of the original owner guide the massive blade through another log. Imagine you’ve stepped back in time as you hear the sounds of Palcso’s blacksmith hammering a piece of red hot steel. In the cabinetmaker’s shop, watch skilled craftsmen use antique tools to demonstrate traditional methods of joinery.
Sit for a while and relax on the front porch of the Morgan Log Cabin, and then admire the fully restored Zavitz Stone House complete with fireplace, pine floor, and furnishings. Many tempting sundries can be purchased in the general store.
Watch as the Marshville News is printed on an ancient press in the printery. The Dean House & Garage provides a glimpse into the past showing the restored original antique tow truck, plus a 1913 McLauglin touring car, antique John Deere tractor, antique gas pumps, and tools!
August 29, 2025 to September 1, 2025
Marshville Heritage Society
32081 Side Rd 20, Wainfleet, ON L0S 1V0